Mitzuk’s Musings

Food on a Budget

Recently we were introduced to a resource to save money on food: Fare For All. From their site, “Fare For All uses a cooperative food purchasing model that utilizes volume buying power.  Fare For All purchases produce and meat in large quantities at wholesale prices.  Participants are then able...

Sketching at the Zoo

Out and about at the local zoo. Penguins, giraffes, and kudo. The wolves were even out. Here’s a page from my sketchbook. I drew with some old colored pencils in a Paperblanks brand notebook (Very thin but smooth paper. I like how the pencils feel on it but not...

Spring is Coming

As a little reminder of the seasons changing here’s a pastel painting I created. I give you Persephone and Demeter. Persephone’s time with Hades is soon at an end. Demeter will celebrate soon with growth and green. The original is framed and available for purchase. Contact me if you...

Book Recommendation

As the name suggests, “The Painters Handbook: Revised and Expanded” by Mark David Gottsegen is a reference for painting. I think it’s excellent. I’ve had for years. I mainly use it for information relating to oil painting and studio/materials safety but it also covers other paints and other useful...