Imaginative Art and Illustration Learn Online for Fall 2020 Explore your imagination! Illustration is a story or idea told through a picture. It could be a picture of a dragon, an interpretation of an historical event, or an abstract concept made visible. The possibilities seem endless. During this class,...
Art Classes Fall 2020
Gen Con 2020 – Digital Art Demos
Find me online during Gen Con 2020! I'll be doing TWO digital painting demos featuring some art from recently completed work for Bezier Games's Ultimate Werewolf Extreme.
The Werewolf is Out of the Bag, and On the Loose!
Since October of 2018 I’ve had the pleasure of working with Bezier Games, Inc. as a freelance artist to create art for their release of Ultimate Werewolf Extreme. They plan to launch their Kickstarter this August! This project has been enjoyable in so many ways and I look forward...
Water Elemental Palette Knife String Technique
I thought I’d share a little bit of technique I used as part of my Water Elemental repaint project. The original image was made by drawing out the image in pencil on vellum, scanning that in, and then painting it digitally. Inspired by a suggestion from a friend, I...
Artists for The Atelier
You are invited to Attend The Atelier’s Instructor Art Show and Fundraising Sale Show Hours Friday: May 17, 2pm – 9 pmSaturday May 18, 12pm – 8pm Sunday May 19, 12pm – 5pm (in conjunction with The Atelier Student Show) Enjoy and purchase prints, drawings, watercolors, oils, and sculptures...
Gen Con 2018 Post Mortem
Every year I learn a bit more. I note what other artists are doing that seems to work, or something I like about their setup. I also found helpful information through the posts of other artists, specifically through One Fantastic Week (run by Pete Mohrbacher and Sam Flegal. Great resource....
South American Gryphon Repaint
Rewind to 2011. I thought, “what if there were a South American Gryphon?” I created this painting: Jump to 2018. Magic the Gathering’s Rivals of Ixalan 2018 release looks like it’s pulling heavily from South American imagery. There’s a beautifully painted Resplendent Griffin by Sam Rowan. Magic the Gathering...
Artists for The Atelier Show and Sale
Find something inspiring and support the arts. ARTISTS FOR THE ATELIER May 18, 19 & 20, 2018 FRIDAY: MAY 18, 2pm – 9pm SATURDAY: MAY 19, 12pm – 8pm SUNDAY: MAY 20, 12pm – 5pm (in conjunction with The Atelier Student Show Enjoy and purchase prints, drawings, watercolors,...
Demo for DemiCon 2018
This weekend I will be the Artist Guest of Honor at DemiCon 29 in Des Moines, IA May 4-6, 2018). One of the events I’ll be doing is an oil painting demo and since their convention theme this year is Down the Rabbit Hole, I’ve created an Alice in...
Tiny Dragon Process 4 – Painting
Part 4 – Rainy Day Dragon Painting The Making of a (Not so) Tiny Dragon This is part 4 and the final process post for the Rainy Day Dragon picture. If you’d like to see the steps I took to get to this point, here are links to the...