I was a little flummoxed as to how I needed to arrange the values in my Owl Man project to give it a dusk or nighttime feel. One thing that I was taught and has worked for me is to look at how other artists solved a similar problem....
Solution for a Nocturne
Bear Cliffs Drawing Completed
It is complete! The pencil drawing for Bear Cliffs is ready. Next I’ll scale it up by scanning it and having it printed at 16″x20″. Then I’ll transfer it to the board for oil paint. I’m excited to start painting!
Work in Progress – New Personal Piece
Here’s a progress shot of a new personal piece. I’m drawing on Canson Vellum (one side the lines, the other side the values). I’ve also used Photoshop to help move and resize some elements (a little faster but same principle as tracing paper and photocopying the drawing). I plan...
Values First, then Color
I’ve been reading a book recommended to me by Susan Cook, Vision and Art: The Biology of Seeing by Margaret Livingstone (a neurophysiologist). In it she addresses many characteristics of human vision and how they relate to art in a very palatable way. Recently, one section really caught my...