The previous version of the game used portrait style art (created by Sanjana Baijnath). I was hired to create new versions of the role art as full-body artwork with dynamic poses, and lighting. I created over 90 pieces of art which included characters, backgrounds, card back and card front elements, 2 versions of the box cover, and graphics for the Moderator app.
This game takes place in late 17th century New England. To inform the look of the characters, buildings, and environments, I studied paintings and other resources. I got to bring some of my humor to this project as well. It was a great project to work on! Their Kickstarter was successfully funded in 2020.

Some elements of the previous artwork and variations from across Bezier’s product line were retained in my versions to create continuity through the product line. For example, the Witch retained green hair, floppy pointed hat, and a skull somewhere on the costume. Villager sports red hair and mustache from the previous version, and a green vest similar to Bezier’s Werewords game.

The Prince was a complete revamp. For Spellcaster I extended and expanded the outfit, and gave the character something with which to work the magic of silencing players.

The Tanner in the previous version of the game had such a distinct look, I wanted to maintain some of the features (greasy hair, long face). I pushed the full body language and features to communicate the character’s psychological state.